Hire A Redhead


Address available upon request
I recently deleted my main blog due to too many dead links,(I now see why this was a horrible idea on my part) and just launched "How's it measure up?" a blog solely based on product reviews and if I recommend them. I also post all of Measure Up's post on my new main blog Autism and The Frazzled Ma I always have ad space if its relevant to my blogs. Like I said its fresh and just getting started back up!  And that is why..... I need giveaways or things to review with to promote page views and build my audience. Currently, I'm seeking the opportunity of being a brand ambassador or product tester with your company! I will not ever sell your products for my own profit! If I do not like it I'll give it to someone who does who can then brag about getting it for free and spout how much they love it! I do not yet know my target demographic and  audience. Though, Frazzled Ma's I'd assume would be USA and Parents of those with Autism. I'm a real person that can get your name out to real customers! Unlike me, many people see ads as time to get up walk away stretch, pop some popcorn make a quick meal or take a restroom break. Either way your expensive ad is being ignored and unheard. With an individual out and about most likely shopping where your product is being sold you are sure to have a live advertisement and demo right there sometimes even steering customers away from what they were about to buy to what you want them to buy! I'm willing to review& blog (even video diary) about products as well as sport any promotional material from car decals to wearing advertisements. If the product is small enough to fit in my car I will keep it safely in a box to always have on hand. I prefer to test, review and keep the product. This would benefit you because I can have the product on hand to publicize and show interested buyers. I'm willing to work just for the product with no hourly pay or pay per click. How ever if you would like me to only promote your company for a certain time period its only fair to pay out a little for it.
I'm willing to have my entire family of four participate in whatever you wish!
I'm a married stay at home mother of two. Together we have a seven year old daughter and a six year old son. I'm also one of eleven children making me an aunt to six nephews and three nieces aged one year to fourteen years old. I'm a rock hound, amateur photographer, lightweight entrepreneur, and loving mother. I meddle with herbalism and hope to someday be certified. I make all natural cosmetics and soaps and all sorts of other no-sew crafts! I love to let others know what products I love even when I'm not being paid to do so! I'm currently a mom ambassador with Green Mom's Meet leading a local parenting group. I also work with BzzAgent and Tomoson as a product reviewer. I've worked as a cashier, retail merchandiser, auditor, and mystery shopper. I've won numerous times per blogging for product & company reviews including Empire Swords in 2007 and Absolutely New in 2010. Advertising is what I love to do! I promise to you I'm no ordinary person! I'm charitable and sensible with a knack for sometimes unknowingly selling merchandise just as a fellow shopper in stores. I actively interrupt sales decisions that I over hear to make sure they know that I feel like an other product elsewhere is better and more reliable. As a child my favorite television character to imitate was Guy Smiley from Sesame Street. I would draw catalogs with inventions for my cats. My family was sure I was going to be the next big thing in advertising since I was very young. I used to run into the room to turn up and watch ads on the television Who needs prime time? I'm waiting for the advertisements! Besides my odd obsession with media- I'm an avid learner and love to imprint educational activities on my children. Its difficult, but I'm determined to have them experience science the way I did! Have you ever heard of the families auctioning themselves off for a lump sum of money and dedicating their lives to being brand ambassadors? Oddly enough, that's an ideal dream job for me! The offer would gladly be accepted! I'd wrap my car and anything else in an advertisement if need be!
Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you!

Felicia M. Reynolds-Bowler

My documented education history is 
High School: I graduated as Class Salutatorian. I was the class Secretary and Treasurer, with perfect attendance. I studied Honors Courses, General Studies, Ethics, and Spanish. I also participated in various extracurricular activities such as Women's Group, Photography, and Running. For my senior internship I completed Lowell Citizen's Police Academy also with perfect attendance. LMACS is an outstanding tuition free High School provided by the college which provides a variety of ways to learn opposed to the standard High Schools. Most classes are self paced courses and studies and coursework can be either visual, auditory, or hands on depending on the students ideal way of learning. Just like a college, accepted students take a placement test and discuss prerequisites and alternative options. As High School courses are completed and class periods open the student can either opt for a free period or a college class free of charge.

Post High School I graduated from Empire Beauty School  and am now licensed cosmetologist. 


My Basic Bendable
If you have a product or service in need of a straight forward review you have come to the right place! I love to discover new things and share my findings with every one I know! ( Even those I do not know!) I have my blog , a vehicle in which I can store materials for show in or even cover with advertisements and also have a parenting group ready for exposure every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month as well as other days for our outings!
I live 5 minutes away from a college campus have frequent visitors to my home and have many other places I can contact in order to get you noticed! I will test anything that is comfortable to talk about meaning I will not test and publicly post or talk about anything of the adult nature such as condoms or adult novelties. It must be appropriate for all ages to see. I am interested in all products and good reads for any age.

What I require

-I prefer to have an additional product on top of what I receive for Giveaways
-Product must be full sized
-Product is not required to be returned
-Services must be complete
-No trial offers
-I must be able to keep the product
-No credit card information will be provided
-If it is a personalized product it must be personalized as follows

Ages 0-3 years:Ruby,Carson,Brysen,RRM,CAM,BMM,RM,CM, or BM

Ages 4-7 years old: Cole, Jade, CJB,JMB,CJ,CB,JB

Ages 8-13: Alivia,Kevin,William,Kenneth,Brittany,Amber,

13 years +: Felicia,Jeffrey,Feli,Jeff,Fe,FMR,JAB,FR,JB

If you can not provide a sample
I can not review it. I will not review based on visuals. However You may purchase "ad space" or ad publicity

Review Guidelines
My service will include
-The juiciest review in my power for your product or service! Yet, It will be honest. So, if I do not like it, I will not hide my dissatisfaction.
-Who you are and your company background
-What your product/service is/does (description)
- Links
- How I feel about the product and company negative or positive
- Excellence, Merit, Quality and Value
- The actual Cost
-Coupon code (if applicable)
-Reader Giveaway (if applicable, but preferred)
- Actual Photos, Demos, and Video review by myself and anything you would like to add
- Review will be shared on facebook, twitter, youtube and my blog

-And more, we will work together!


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